I am so proud and grateful for all of the brands on the list underneath! Please contact with me if you´re innterested in any of the brands or have any questions!
MUSH is a brand with only natural and clean dog and cat food! Only based on natural raw products.
Pleace take a look at the link below to get more information!
Jenni Lehtinen
Veterinarian/chiropractor, she keep my dogs fit for fight and take care if there is anything going on with their body!
A training course at Eidsvoll Verk where my dogs can run free, train agility and have a lot of fun!
Non-stop Dogwear
I am so luvky to be a part of team Non-stop!.
Non-stop has high quality equipment for both dogs and their humans. Their equipment ensures us to have the best prerequisites to prepare and preform for competitions.
Breeder Team Shetland Sheepdog
Breeder of Shetland Sheepdog. Thank you for all the support and all my perfect shelties!
Subsidies for the dogs during and after hard trainings or competitions! Quality and easy to use!
Eva Marie Wergård
Mental training and training sessions! How to keep my mind on track during big competitions!
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